Below you will find a breadth of work that accurately represents my own process, passion and intellectual sprawl.


The project #CarbonFeed directly challenges the popular notion that virtuality is disconnected from reality.  Through sonifying Twitter feeds and correlating individual tweets with a physical data visualization in public spaces, artists Jon Bellona and John Park invite viewers to hear and see the environmental cost of online behavior and its supportive physical infrastructure.

“CarbonFeed works by taking in realtime tweets from Twitter users around the world. Based on a customizable set of hashtags, the work listens for specific tweets. The content of these incoming tweets generates a realtime sonic composition. An installation-based visual counterpart of compressed air being pumped through tubes of water further provides a physical manifestation of each tweet.”

“Like all forms of social media, tweets generate carbon. Based on the preliminary work of Twitter UX designer David Bellona, it is estimated that a single tweet produces 0.02 grams of CO2e. Though this is an infinitesimal amount of carbon, when multiplied by 200 Billion tweets per year, the carbon adds up. Today, 1.3% of all the world’s electricity is solely being used to power data centers to support our online computing.”

“To see a running counter of the carbon footprint of digital behavior, learn more about this project or even listen to a song based on your personal twitter feed, please visit carbonfeed.org”

University of Virginia Libraries. 2014.08.29 – 2014.09.26
Hamilton College Studio Arts Opening Ceremony. 2014.10.11
Bowdoin College. 2015

Carbon Feed 2014


#CarbonFeed – The Weight of Digital Behavior from Harmonic Laboratory on Vimeo.