Free Radio at CUE

A collaboration between Brian Gillis (UO Ceramics), Robin Lambert and John Park, the Free Radio Project aims to give broadcast power to underrepresented communities in New York City. The work will be installed at the CUE Gallery Space in NYC.

Harmonic Laboratory

Harmonic Laboratory is a collective of artists, thinkers, educators and innovators that investigate the human experience through integrated media and common theme. HL consists of John Park (Visual/Time-Based Arts), Brad Garner (Movement, Choreography) and Jeremy Schropp (Sound, Music).

Inventive Teaching in 3D Space

Exploring the boundaries of this medium, Park has been asking his students to break the expectations of 3D space, namely cute 3D characters like those seen in Pixar movies. Projects have moved off the screen and onto physical architecture through a series of site-specific animation.