Reuben Margolin:

Kinetic sculpter, creative collaborator and general maker of moving things, Margolin has a graceful technique of blending the forms of nature into mathematically derived works. One of the most amazing dance performances I have witnessed was a collarbotive project between Margolin and the Australian Dance Company “Chunky Move”. Together they created ‘Connected’ which involved dancers interactive with and generating the motion for a massive stage-sized kinetic sculture. I walked away feeling that I had witnessed a duet between the nuance of human gesture and the fluid waves of trigonometric mathematics. See more of his work here.



Aaron Koblin:

A true magician of data, interactive programming and crowd-sourced internet projects, Aaron Koblin has had his hand in some of the most innovative works online. From the Johnny Cash Project to ‘The Sheep Market‘ (a crowd sourced project using’s Mechanical Turk service), to mapping territories via their flight patterns. His synthesis of data and aesthetics is always rewarding. See more of his work here.